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Minutes from May 2024 GPA Meeting

Georgia Polygraph Association

Minutes from May 2024 GPA Meeting

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Call to order

Members were welcomed and meeting was called to order by President James Hayes.

II. Members and Guests in attendance

James Hayes, Ken Adamczyk,  Gilbert Guthrie,  Camille Chacon, Amanda Baker, Jack Joiner, Pamela Rushton, Charles Sullenger, Lindsey Smith, Aaron Evrard, Nathan Sprague, Keith Woodford,
Linda Howard, Sarah Keane, James Buckner, Mike Hill, James Medler, Andrea Dukem, Darwin Malone, Andre Sykes, Todd Vande Zande, Don Berecz, Don Berecz, welcomed the newest members to our association.

III. Secretary Report

The Secretary Report was presented by Todd Vande Zande. A motion was made by Don Berecz to approve
the Minutes from the prior meeting. The motion was seconded by Sarah Keane.

IV. Treasurer Report

The Treasury Report was presented by Don Berecz. The current balance for the GPA is $17,218.72. Since
the last meeting, the GPA did not receive any revenues and paid out $493.31 in expenditures. A transfer
was made in the amount of $2000.00. These funds were used to open the new account. The Treasurer Report
was voted on and approved.

V. Old Business

James Hayes updated the association on the filing of our 501c3 status. The IRS accepted the updates to our
filing status and we should be able to conduct business as a non-profit. Ken Adamczyk set up the new bank
account. An initial deposit was made and the remainder of the funds will be transferred over soon. Tri-State
registration is on-going. The link is up and working.

VI. New Business

The association approved the hiring of Two-Fold Marketing to set-up our new website. A motion was made
by Don Berecz to pay the sum of $1200.00 to cover the expenses associated with the set-up. Motion was
seconded by Sarah Keane. There will be an annual maintenance expense. The amount has not yet been
A request was made by the president, inviting anyone who wished to do so, to assist in providing the training
we need at our upcoming meetings.
Sarah Keane volunteered to coordinate the social event for the upcoming Tri-State Conference.

VII. Announcements

The next GPA business meeting will take place on July 09, 2024 at the GSP Headquarters in
Atlanta 959 United Ave., SE, Atlanta, GA 30316. See the GPA website for details. Training will
be conducted following the business meeting.

VIII. Adjournment

There being no other business the meeting was adjourned.
Continuing education training was conducted covering the British One-issue Screening Test (BOST)


Georgia Polygraph Association
Attn: James Hayes
PO Box 26
Dallas, GA 30132

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Georgia Polygraph Association

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