Georgia Polygraph Association
Georgia Polygraph Association James Hayes, Jack Joiner, James Medler, Ken Adamczyk, Keith Woodford, Darwin Malone, Gilbert Guthrie, Linda Howard, Todd Vande Zande, Amanda Baker, James Buckner, Don Berecz Nothing to report. The Treasury Repott was presented by Don Be recz and James Buckner. Since the last report, the GPA James Hayes updated the association on the filing ofour 501 c3 status. The I RS accepted the updates to our Training ideas for the remainder of this year and next year are being solicited. If you are interested in The Paulding County Sheriffs Office has agreed to host the training for our January 14, 2025 meeting. July 2024 GPA Meeting
Call to order
Minutes of Meeting June 09, 2024
GSP Headquarters
959 United Ave SE, Atlanta. GA 303 16
Prepared by Lt. T Vande Zande
Members were welcomed and meeting was called to order by President James Hayes. Minutes from the
May meeting were presented and approved.II. Members and Guests in attendance
Ill. Secretary Report
IV. Treasurer Report
account was transferred to Regio ns Bank. An initial fund balance of $2000 was used to open the account.
The remainder of the funds will be transferred soon. The total fund balance at the time of the report was
$ 15,488.72. Financial statements attached. We will continue to use Pay Pal as our on line payment resource.
Discussion took place regarding adding a $2 convenience fee to PayPal transactions to cover the fees
charged by Pay Pal to handle receipt of payments. The majority of members in attendance supported the
addition of this fee.V. Old Business
tiling status and our status as a no n-profit was updated. Discussion conce rning hospital ity night at Tri-State
Conference was had. An event venue (Live Wire) was chosen as the location for this event. There will be
a per person event charge of$ I 0.00. Details are still being worked out regarding entertainme nt. Discussion
was had concerning the audit of GPA funds. Don Berecz. has compiled all of the needed statements for
review. The review will be completed soon and a repo rt will be presented to the Board. The GPA has
entered into an agreement with Twofold Marketing to build-out our new webs ite. Once this is completed.
the GPA will take over managing the site. Details of the agreement are included with the Minutes.VI. New Business
conducting any training, or, you have suggestions for training. please contact the Board. Our next business
meeting will be at the Tri-State Conference.VII. Announcements
Details wi II follow at a later date.
Georgia Polygraph Association
Attn: James Hayes
PO Box 26
Dallas, GA 30132